Vision and Mission
Vision and Mission
Aims and Objectives
Some Of The Aims And Objective Of Women Foundation.
Pastor (Mrs) Victoria Ayantuga
This is a family of God, bond in the love of Christ, where everyone is respected, important and relevant. You are just in the right place where you can be spiritually equipped to live a victorious life, enjoy the promises of God for you and fulfil your destiny. We therefore welcome you once again into this family of God. Remain blessed in the name of Jesus
The End of the World is Near. Time is Running Out!
Are You Ready? Jesus Christ says “I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” – John 14:2-3 (KJV). He also says in John 3:3, “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God“. The second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is at hand. The end is very near! How ready are you?
Groups Within Women Foundation
This department caters for the highly-favored single sisters in the Ministry as well as the youth Sisters. Seminars and Conferences are held to address matters concerning them.
The college was set up to cater for the educational needs of Women in MFM. It has three departments , viz: Adult Literacy, Remedial Studies, Finishing School At the moment, Women College is being run at the MFM International Headquaters, MFM prayer City Region and MFM Ijaye Region.
This department comprises the Women Professionals. Conferences, seminars and workshops are held to train and help empower these professional women so they can become women of substance and repute.
This department caters for the health of women through workshops and seminars addressing issues peculiar to the health of women.
Leadership is about influencing other women positively. It is about giving direction and making a godly impact on others.
This organizes prayer meetings, seminars, workshops on vocational skills for the Physical and spiritual well-being of the Pastor’s wives.
This department helps to disseminate all the information concerning women’s programs.